Give A Child Coins...

... and everything becomes a piggy bank!

Muzaffar knows the fact that coins are not meant for the mouth. And so does other "tidbits" found around the house. Circular marbles, bits of papers, dry leaves, etc included.

Anyways, he likes to play with coins, and he have a milkbottle-shaped piggy bank at his disposal. So he can usually be seen inserting the coins one by one into the slot.

But sometimes, he strays away from doing that, and inserting the coins elsewhere instead. The book rack, the refrigerator, the sink, and under the carpet, even under the sofa cushion.

I think he wants to play find-the-missing-coins with us.

By the way, we finally bought him a single-bed today. Hopefully he had a good night's sleep on it, from tonight onwards.

1 comment:

mazlyna said...

yes...and abah jgn lupa simpan duit syiling utk pa...klu tak asik kuarkan isik tabung yang ader jer...;)