Islam Supreme

If there's one thing that is more interesting than everything else, it is the differences of opinion.

Differences of opinion has actually shaped the world to be what it is now. Or so I thought.

West vs East, Islam vs Others, Yoga vs Edict, Fatwa vs Constitution, Ulama vs Secularist, etc etc.

Those are a few of the big names in the news currently. Especially one of the four letter word mentioned above. Uh-huh...

We are entitled to our own opinion, so be whatever it may be. But there must be limits. And your opinion must take into account that others may not agree to it.

But in the end, it is Islam that matters the most. And nothing stood above it. Yoga all you can, but when you disregard Islam for the sake of yoga, do you think you are still a Muslim?

To put it a bit simpler, you actually put the yoga interest above Islam, as though that is more important than your own way of life, Islam, by making Yoga your way of life.

To put it in an even simpler form, you are with Islam (follow it fully), or you are not really Islam (follow only what you want, and reject the rest).

Yoga all you can, yoga all you want, but He the supreme being knows what lies in your heart. What your priorities are. And He witnesses every move you make, be it underground, above the skies, and He hears what you really think.

So do what you want. Fatwa forbids smoking, yet people still do it.

Yes I might seem like I judge, but I am actually just expressing my concern.

Priority is still the order of the day my friend.

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