Du'a For All Y'All

Occasionally, I will recite a general du'a.

It goes like this.

"O Allah, bestow upon all Muslim, Mukmins and Mujahideens success, triumph, etc in everything they do, victory in anything they fight against, triumph in all the things they want and need in life, as long as it follows Your only true path.

O Allah, bestow upon all Muslim, Mukmins and Mujahideens the convenience in all their undertaking, the easiness in work and business, the best of brotherhood, friendship and kinship, and the utmost understanding of what life is all about.

O Allah, bestow upon all Muslim, Mukmins and Mujahideens the world over, knowledge, information, strength, intelligence and the will to do all the things in Your cause."

That's it, sorta. It's only a part of what it used to be though.

I hope more people pray not just for themselves and their families, but for every Muslim, Mukmin and Mujahideen around us too. And making mine as an example would be nice too.

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