Mother-Son Bonding

Not enough sleep last night. And that makes me late for work.

I can only think of a few reasons why.

Muzaffar was not feeling well. There's this pain inside one of his ears. It's the discomfort that made him not being able to sleep well, and having us to stay up as well. And my God I am worried that some insect has made its way into his ear. Thank goodness it's only lots of wax.

Plus, he's feeling left out already, about the good news my family just got about the possibility of a new family member being on the way. Yes you read it right.

He suddenly seem to want to be so close to his mother, like he used to about a few months ago when my love wanted to stop his breastfeeding.

Muzaffar dear, you should never worry. Rest assured that you are always the very beloved son. And hope you will soon be a good brother as well.

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