The Greatest Supercar

I have liked the Lamborghini Diablo for quite a while. But the greater supercar, has to be the Lamborghini Countach.

I fell in love with the Countach for basically ages. I especially loved the futuristic looking QV version of the early to mid 1980s.

It may not be fast compared to current trends, but it sure looks that way. The more important thing is, everybody will immediately take notice of it.

It will catch anyone's eye faster than even a much-faster turbocharged Japanese machine like the 1000hp Toyota Supra, or a 600hp turbo Honda Civic can ever get any attention to.

I have seen one in the Taman Duta area. I want to stop in front of that mansion so badly just to look at it for a bit longer, but I think the car will stay there for a while. So I won't rush and sneak a peek just yet.

But imagine how much will the roadtax be? More than 10k I must say.

For sure, it will be of no big a deal on the few rich and the wealthy among us.

And I have got this feeling that, it will seem easier to start owning a Diablo instead of a Countach. I wonder why...

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