Two Years

He's two years old!

I can't hardly think of him as a baby. He's so mature.

When other two year olds are still picking up foreign stuffs to put in their mouths, Muzaffar recognizes that only food and medicine are to be consumed.

When other two year olds are still growing teeth, Muzaffar already has most of it.

When other two year olds are still learning one language, Muzaffar learns two. It should be anytime that he learns three.

Muzaffar has his own TV box. For learning, that is.

Muzaffar has his own room, will full of things only he understands.

And guess what? Muzaffar still breastfeeds. And he doesn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.

By the way, we had a small get-together today, at our house for his birthday, which was two days late. The highlights was Laksa Sarawak, and lots of chocolate.

Happy birthday Jappa!

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