I have not been in the office for quite a while. I think it was two weeks ago that I last attended office.
For the past two weeks, I have been to Lumut. Both ships need lots of TLC. And I guess it's about done last Friday.
Come tomorrow, there will be another visit. Probably won't take more than a day for that.
Now, about Muzaffar. He's still not well. The cough still persists, especially at night. I hope the ENT visit on the 9th will relieve him of most of the cough, and by the 23rd, he is fully well.
And my, he's so jealous! He just can't allow his mother to hold another baby in her arms. He wants his mother just for himself. I don't know how he will cope if ever his first sibling appears. And by the way, the baby happens to be my cousin's first son, born on Aidil Adha day. He weighs 2.5kg.
mom: mama nak pegang baby ni.
son: mama bom, mama bom, bom sini, bom sini (asking mom to put the baby down)
mom: bendera
son: madika (merdeka)
mom: ayam jantan cock
son: ayam tan kok
mom: ikan fish
son: kan fish
dad: nasi goreng
son: nasi yeng